Tuesday 31 March 2015

I've been busy...

...revenging! The humiliating party-hat incident didn't pass unpunished! You know the picture wasn't taken yesterday when I posted it, but a few days ago. So as a revenge, I have been chewing on and finished off THREE mobile charger cords in one week! I think that's a new record!

There! I think the humans won't be dressing me up any time soon! They are also getting very creative trying to hide these from me. The big one has been also busy buying new ones to replace the  ones I destroyed. Well, good for eBay!

So long friends, I hope you had a good day!

Monday 30 March 2015

Yeah, whatever...

One stupid picture, but that's all we're going to get today. Busy Monday, but quite bearable. What is NOT bearable is this stupid old party hat that the kids dug up somewhere. Cats shouldn't have to wear any hats, clothes, shoes etc. But little choice do I have when they get these silly ideas. Well, I'm glad it didn't last long...

Sunday 29 March 2015

Something good

Despite of their misjudgements yesterday, the humans luckily had the decency to share the salmon they were having with me. 

I guess I'll keep them after all.

I hope you had a good weekend! Next week will be at least short one, thank goodness for Easter!

Saturday 28 March 2015

They ought to know by now...

If the humans decide to leave me alone for, say a few hours while they visit the lake cottage. Then they really should know that a kitty might get some pretty nasty ideas on his mind to pass the time. 

Like, knock down the flower vase. 

I mean, what else was I supposed to do?

Meanwhile at the lake, it seems there is still a lot of ice covering the water.

I was just wondering, what are all the delicious fishes doing beneath it?

Thursday 26 March 2015

Sweet as sugar

Me and my mom, cuddles on the sofa. 

About yesterday's post, it was a volleyball game and team we were supporting. And they did win, hurrah and thank you for your wishes! Let's hope the rest of the semifinals will be as succesful for them as this one!

Wednesday 25 March 2015

Game on!

It's an important game night for a great local team we support. Do you know what type of sport I'm talking about?

I know I don't look that enthusiastic, but the humans seem to be!

Tuesday 24 March 2015

Stupid winter

The stupid winter did make a come back. We are so not liking it. It's icy and snowy and cold. The forecasts don't yet tell when the warmer breezes would be back.

Me and the kid are checking out the view, which is otherwise nice but too snowy.

I guess time will fix this problem, but we are a bit too anxious to wait too long...

Sunday 22 March 2015

The Great Escape

Thanks for the info on the paint thing, I think it was best I didn't touch the stuff. Although it sounded fun at first, I guess the bathing and humans yelling at me wouldn't be fun at all.

Anyhow, I have some big news to you. I spent 2,5 hours outdoors BY MYSELF yesterday! Yes, you read right, I just went out and stayed there a good while. It was kind of an accident, but it did happen.

The humans had some furniture delivered to our house in the afternoon, and when the delivery guys were carrying the stuff inside the house, I saw my change and sneaked outside! The beauty of this is, that the humans didn't notice at all!! Oh the freedom! It too whole 2,5 hours for them to notice that I had been awfully quiet and they couldn't find me anywhere. They called me inside the house, and they know that I do come eventually when they call me. But this time I didn't. 

The big one realized that it had to be the time when the delivery guys were here, when I was able to go out. The secretary had thought that she had an eye on the doorway the whole time, but apparently she didn't. She went outside on the terrace and called me. Nothing happened. Everyone else were getting worried that they had seen the last of me. 

One of the kids went outside to go and look for me. Suddenly the humans heard me meowing, as I came to the terrace, and ran inside when the door was opened. 

OMC they were happy I had returned! The secretary said that she had believed I would return, since she knows how comfortable indoor cat I am, and the weather outside isn't actually kitty friendly right now... She has also had some cats before me who have been let out, and she knew that they usually do come back to eat and rest. 

Oh well, it surely was an adventure! If only it had been summer, I might have stayed a bit longer. But I'm happy to be back home now!!

Saturday 21 March 2015


Remember the small renovation project the humans started a while ago? Well they have been so lazy that they only finished it today. I mean come on, it was only one wall... 

But today it happened, they painted the wall! I was very intrigued, and they let me watch.

I was smart enough not to put my paws into the strange green stuff. I wonder what would have happened if I would have...

Friday 20 March 2015


It's Friday friends! The secretary has already overdosed with candy she accidentally bought from the store. She's high on sugar and swears she'll never eat candy again. We'll see about that...

Anyhow, I have my spot on the sofa, so let the weekend relaxation begin!

Thursday 19 March 2015

The Rat is back!

Some of you long time readers might remember my dear enemy, Mr Rat. He's been laying low for a veeeeery long while, and we had kind of forgotten about him. Well, the kid found him accidentally inside the sofa, and OMC the fun we've had since! 

Oh how I love to throw him up in the air and then catch and kill him over and over  again! After all, we cats have our wild nature to obey! 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Very funny...

...very funny indeed. Can you hear me NOT laughing my tail off for this?

Yes, in theory it is a fish, but it is a dry salty fish BISQUIT for humans, NOT for cats! I'm not amused by it at ALL!

Go on and replace it with a real live fresh dead one asap!

Monday 16 March 2015

A cat in peril

I found an interesting spot behind the sofa.

It turned out to be a bit too tight for me.

Oh well, I was able to get out of there. A cat has to try everything you know!

Sunday 15 March 2015

Spring fever!

We have been enjoying some pretty unusually warm spring weather around here lately. It's been sunny and around +9 celsius. I've been out too a couple of times.

Die snow, die...

Almost all of the snow has melted, how lovely.

However they claim that the winter might make a comeback, propably already at the end of next week. Well, we have surely enjoyed the pre-spring we have been given. How lucky the people are in such countries where the spring really begins already in March every year.. *sigh*

Saturday 14 March 2015

Cool stuff!!!

Look what the kid had made for me at school, a very unique feathery and wooden cat toy!

It's so great! A custom made, with love, only for me! I'm happy and I like it!

Happy Caturday!!

Friday 13 March 2015

Coffee, anyone?

All the gadgets humans need! I thought they already had one coffee maker, but apparently they need two! I had to inspect the other one a bit closer.

Actually they are making hot chockolate here, but either way it was quite interesting. The coffee maker made quite a loud noise, and vibrated the whole table. How fascinating!!

Have a great weekend friends!

Thursday 12 March 2015

Busy bees

Everyone else in this house seem to be very busy at the moment, except me of course.

However it's so tiring to watch they coming and going, it makes me all dizzy and sleepy.

I think I'd better take a nap then! 

See you!